Yusup Supriyadi
Fullstack Web & Mobile Developer
Bogor, West Java - Indonesia
(+62) 8213-8554-318
I am a Fullstack Web & Mobile Developer and an AI enthusiast, passionate about crafting innovative digital solutions. With more 3 years of professional experience, I have developed a range of web and mobile applications using modern technologies, including AI integration to enhance efficiency and quality. My proven ability to quickly adapt to new technologies and effectively solve problems has been demonstrated in every project I undertake, both for companies and as a freelancer.
Work Experience
PT. Hillconjaya Sakti Tbk.
Sep 2023 - Des 2024 (1 year 4 months)
East Jakarta, Indonesia
Fullstack Web & Mobile Developer
Tech Stack:Reactjs, Nextjs, Laravel Rest API, Flutter, TailwindCss
Successfully transformed company business processes by developing an integrated web and mobile system, streamlining operations across multiple departments. Implemented a paperless system that automated the multi-level approval and document management process, significantly reducing paper usage. Introduced a digital payroll system and developed a real-time monitoring dashboard to track approvals and optimize the mailer system, enhancing efficiency and transparency.
CV. IDS - Kejar.Id
Jun 2021 - Aug 2023 (2 years 3 months)
Bogor, Indonesia
Frontend Web and Mobile Developer
Tech Stack:Reactjs, Nextjs, Laravel - Jquery, Flutter, Bootstrap, Storybook
Developed and enhanced existing web application features focusing on performance optimization and new feature development. Performed code refactoring to optimize API data processing. Took initiative to explore and implement new technologies beyond assigned tasks. Pioneered Android mobile app development using Flutter, managing the entire process from boilerplate to Play Store publication. Implemented design system using Storybook to improve UI consistency and facilitate developer collaboration.
PT. Hexaon Mitrasindo Business
Jan 2020 - Jun 2020 (6 months)
West Jakarta, Indonesia
Fullstack Web Developer
Tech Stack:Laravel, Sql Server, Bootstrap
As an intern, collaborated with the team in developing client website for Bank BTN, contributed to CRM website and company profile landing page development. Gained hands-on experience in enterprise web development using Laravel and SQL Server.
SMK Wikrama Bogor
Software Engineering
2018 - 2021
Bogor, Indonesia
Active in the school flag-raising organization as chairman. Participated in several LKBB competitions from district to provincial level and contributed several trophies to the school.
Online Coding Bootcamp by Kominfo Bakti with Progate
Fundamental Programming JavaScript, Php, MySQL, Git
Oct 2020 - Nov 2020
No. 4871/D4/PP/2020
Online Flutter Developer Bootcamp with BWA
Mastering Flutter mobile development
Mar 2021
No. CW9EP5Dfgl
- Indonesia - Native
- English - Conversational
Hard Skills
- Frontend Web Development with Reactjs, Nextjs, Laravel with Jquery, Tailwindcss, Bootstrap
- Mobile Development with Flutter, GetX - Provider
- Backend Development with Laravel Query Builder, MySQL, PostgreSQL and Sql Server
- Experienced in integrating AI with Google Gemini Flash 1.5 API
- Experienced in using Figma, Adobe XD for UI/UX design and working with team
- Experienced in using Serverless Architecture with Firebase, Supabase, Vercel and Cpanel Hosting
- Ability to write clean and maintainable code
- Proficient in using Gitlab and Github for code management and team collaboration
- Skilled in using Agile/SCRUM tools for project and task management such as Notion and Trello
Soft Skills
- Quick adaptation to new technologies and framework switching as needed
- Strong team collaboration
- Excellent problem-solving abilities
My Products
CV Roasted
Reactjs, Nextjs, Supabase, Gemini Flash 1.5, Tailwindcss, Shadcn/ui
CVROASTED is a CV/resume review platform integrated with AI Gemini Flash 1.5 to enhance CV/resume review quality
Github Roasted
Reactjs, Nextjs, Gemini Flash 1.5, Tailwindcss
Platform for analyzing and providing recommendations to improve Github profile quality and user activities
Keep Moving | VSCode Extension
VSCode Extension, Javascript, Lottie
Keep Moving is a VSCode extension to remind you to keep moving from sitting in front of the computer for hours
Real Muslim
Flutter, GetX - Provider, Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs API
Realmuslim is a digital Quran mobile application that makes it easier for users to read the Quran digitally
Laravel, MySQL, Tailwindcss
Kabarundangan.com is a paid website for creating digital wedding invitations